The Weekend Pundit has a great (or not so great) story on a guy and his phone in traffic:
Passing through the town where Deb works, one of the main roads passes over the main north-south Interstate highway, meaning traffic can be quite heavy just on either side of it. One fellow seemed to think the heavy traffic gave him leave to cease paying attention to driving and more attention to his cell phone. As we stopped at each set of traffic lights (there's quite a few of them on that stretch of road), he paid less attention to the traffic lights and more to his phone.
At the first set of lights just past the Interstate, he didn't finish texting (I assume that's what he was doing) until just before the lights turned yellow. He, the truck right behind him, and I made it through before the lights turned red. At the next set of lights he again didn't move when the lights turned green and actually raised his index finger on his right hand as if to say "Wait a sec!" as the horns of the vehicles behind (including mine) him blared. Not a single vehicle in his lane made it through the lights before they again were red. At the next green light cycle he (and the rest of us) moved. At the very next set of lights he was once again fooling with his phone, the lights changed to green, and he didn't move.
At this point the guy in the pickup truck directly behind him apparently had enough, got out of his pickup, walked to the car, grabbed the guy's phone out of his hands and tossed it into the back seat. Over the sound of the still blaring horns I heard the pickup's driver yell something along the lines of "Put down your effin' phone and effin' drive, s**thead!" By the time he got back to his truck Texting Guy had taken off and we didn't see him again.
The only good thing I can say is that if he was texting, at least he wasn't moving, so he wasn't running over someone or running someone off the rode.
Wow! I would have applauded upon seeing the phone sail into the back seat. Thankfully, no mayhem ensued.
Posted by: Cop Car | September 25, 2012 at 05:19 PM