You know those stickers that go on the back windshield of a car - the ones that show stick figures of Mom and Dad, Little Johnny and little Maria (or whatever mix the family consists of)? An how in the last coupld of years that has extended to dogs and cats? Why just the other day, I saw a car with Mom and Dad, 4 dogs and 3 cats.
On one of the forums I look at on an irregular basis (I beleive that is where I found this a couple of weeks ago anyway), there was a whole 'nother sticker:
Let's see, there is an AK47, AR-15, a whole mess of hunting-style rifles (probably representing 30/30, 30-06, .308, .22 and a whole bunch of others - i can't tell if one is a pump shotgun like a 12 or 20 gauge). A handcannon, most likely a 44 magnum, a generic glock-type handgun and a wheel gun representative.
Only thing missing is a musket.
I wasn't planning to put up stickers when BabyKitty popped out, but I'm kinda digging this display :)
Posted by: Lissa | May 21, 2012 at 06:51 AM
Biker Harley-Hannes has a T-shirt, the back of which displays the logo
"If you can read this, the bitch fell off again!" ;-)
Posted by: Ole Phat Stu | May 23, 2012 at 12:51 AM
That is such an old shirt - I saw those in the early '90's. Don't know why you put that little gem on this post though.
Posted by: bogie | May 24, 2012 at 05:22 AM
I've always thought those stickers advertising the makeup of your family were a really bad idea, despite how cute they are. THIS sticker might make your family a little safer. *G*
Posted by: buffy | May 30, 2012 at 08:40 PM