Last Friday was Geek Pride day. I'm such a geek, that I don't have a problem celebrating it late. Check out the poster to see if you have any Geek in you (click poster to biggify).
Actually, I probably celebrated it a little; it seems to me that my Walkman played the Star Wars theme while I was on the bike that day (it definitely played the theme during my little trek either Friday or Saturday - I remember humming to it).
Yes, I'm such a sad little Geek that I have the original album music, which WS kindly recorded to CD a couple of years ago, on my Walkman!
We dropped off WS's truck for some work before he left (see next post). The guy who does his work built a house not too long ago. He did a lot of the work himself and told WS that he should stop by and see the deck railing that he built. So, since the guy lives just behind his shop, we did.
Obviously, he did a great job. To make it even more amazing, he did all the rolling of the steel by a hand roller. His whole deck, which is so large that it has a hot tub on it, has the rolled design around it (the bike design is just in the one spot). He paid so much attention to detail that he painted the areas that would be the tail light and side reflectors red.
Every time I look at the pictures, I see new detail; I just noticed the "flame" pattern in the tank area. WS and I were duly impressed. The mechanic was really happy with WS's opinion as he highly values the opinion of an experience welder and fabricator.
Jeezem it's pretty bad when even mechanics have more creative expresion than I do!
The Wonderful Spouse left early Wednesday morning. He and several other guys are riding down to Washington DC for Memorial weekend. they should have gotten to their motel, located about 1 hour outside DC, late Wednesday night. Then it is exploring the many areas of interest in the area (battlefields, homesteads of early presidents, etc).
This is the fourth time WS has participated, some of the other guys go every year (some are Veterans). I went several years ago (I drove).
I am going for a short trip of my own. Friday morning (tomorrow) I will ride thru Vermont, to Fort Ann, New York. Then off to Lake George (also in NY), then back to Rutland, VT, where I will spend the night. Saturday is up in the air; I will do some riding in VT, then come back to NH via Quechee Gorge, then a meandering trip back home before nightfall.
I'll only put on 300-400 miles, but it will take quite some time. All roads are windy surface roads, along the mountains, that have a speed limit of 30-45 MPH. All but the first 35 miles (up to Keene) will be totally new territory for me as the operator of my own bike. Only another 30 miles or so is road that I've been on in any manner. Should be interesting and have plenty of spectacular views.
I'm hoping WS is enjoying his sorely needed vacation, I know I'll enjoy my mini-vacation!
You know those stickers that go on the back windshield of a car - the ones that show stick figures of Mom and Dad, Little Johnny and little Maria (or whatever mix the family consists of)? An how in the last coupld of years that has extended to dogs and cats? Why just the other day, I saw a car with Mom and Dad, 4 dogs and 3 cats.
On one of the forums I look at on an irregular basis (I beleive that is where I found this a couple of weeks ago anyway), there was a whole 'nother sticker:
The NH Audubon center is going green. It maintains some grasslands that are important for not only conservation efforts, but also for teaching. It has hired beneficiary lawn mowers - cattle. An area natural beef farmer will be moving cattle in and out as the grasslands need them. Around here, golden rod, milk weed, asters and other plants will move into grasslands or any area where tree canopy doesn't keep them in check and try to take over(ask me how I know).
The cattle, apparently don't mind the milky part of the milk weed, the crunchy stems of the asters, or the ticklish hairyness of the goldenrod. They also don't disturb the ground nesting birds like a machine would although the timing has to be controlled for when eggs and defensless chicks are present. As an added bonus, the cattle fertilize where they have been.
The flowers that are kept in check in the grasslands, will be allowed to grow in other designated areas, just not the areas large enough to encourage eastern meadow larks, bobolinks and savannah sparrows.
What a nice win/win situation. The farmer gets organic grazing for the cows for just the cost of trucking the cattle between grazing areas, and the Audubon society gets free, nature friendly mowing. Okay, so the cattle do produce greenhouse gasses, but at least they taste good when it is time to take them to market.
You've seen them in futuristic movies, you've seen limited use in commercials. Pretty soon, I'm guessing, they'll be in general use; glasses that make our electronic gadgets hands free. That means we can take photographs while driving or carrying in the gorceries, without holding a camera, phone or other device. People will be making phone calls, writing in their diaries (or blogs), adding items tp their grocery and to-do lists, all thru the use of these glasses.
I don't kow whether to think that it's a great invention that will keep us from having pocket loads of stuff with us, or to be totally aghast at what is going to be distracting drivers and people walking the aisles in the grocery stores.
I haven't had a filled bird feeder hung outside, other than hummingbird, for 4-6 weeks. I take them in for a while until the bears have had plenty of time to find food after their long winter fast. Wednesday morning I put out a feeder and that night I saw the first pair of rosebreasted grosbeaks for the season. Also saw a very purple finch, our resident white breasted nuthatches and a downey woodpecker.
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