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April 29, 2012


Cop Car

Obviously, I was a bit late picking up the email. Worse, I didn't read the date on it before forwarding to you. However, glad that you got a good deal. Between your dad and me, we have 50+ bird books (paper), bird audio libraries on casette tapes and a CD, plus audio-visual on VHS tapes.
As to keeping a life list: I do mine in Excel (old ones are in Lotus 1-2-3); but, I am registered with eBird which offers list capability. I don't think there are any associated charges if you wish to try it. You may already be registered since you submit GBBC lists. dBird Sign In


I don't know what kind of device you have (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.), but I do know that there are electronic versions of several bird guides and birding apps for both iOS and Android. All of them include bird songs, and most include some sort of listing feature. My favorite for looking up individual birds is the Sibley eGuide; my favorite for lists is the Peterson.

Standard price on all of them is a bit higher than 99 cents, but IMHO $15 for the e-guide is in many ways a better deal than the $20 or $25 that the printed guides now cost.

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