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January 01, 2012



We are right there with you. By 11, we had the house all buttoned up and were ready to call it a day. I (briefly) heard some fireworks at midnight. None very close so went back to sleep. Happy New Year to you and WS!

Cop Car

Bogie--Your dad went to bed at his normal 10:10 pm and I followed at my normal 10:30. Unfortunately, there were fireworks going off so I, eventually, arose and stayed up until the fireworks quit - a bit after 1:00 am. Is that responsible, or what? (You can never be "old" as long as I'm around! lol)


I've had a George Foreman Grill for years and I don't know how I'd do without it! It's awesome.

We did manage to stay up quite late (Deb had to work and got home just before midnight). Th elate night also meant we slept in much later than usual, something that threw us off for the whole day.

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