Sunday we got a notice that the Boy Scouts were coducting a food drive. They make it easy, all we have to do is gather up the food, put it in a bag/box, and place it outside by 8:30 Saturday morning, and they come pick it up.
I use this annual food drive to clear out the cabinets. I clean out the soups (some used for cooking, some ready to eat), canned fruits / fruit sauces, beans (kidney, red etc) and tomatoe sauce. I don't put out any pasta or such because you never know what will be attracted to boxed/cellophaned food. I remembered to bring a copy paper box home from work for use in this endeavor.
Friday night I loaded up the box, and Saturday morning, as he was leaving for work, WS took the box out. About 9:30 I heard footsteps on the porch. A boy of between 6 and 8, along with an adult (Dad? troop leader?) picked up the goodies and headed on their way. Evidently WS hadn't heard me when I asked him to put the box out under the mailbox, so he left it on the porch. Ah well, at least he made it visible.
Being the great watchdogs they are, the dogs never even moved while strange people were on the porch, didn't twitch a muscle, heck, I don't think they even woke up. And they weren't quiet, I quite easily heard the scampering of the kid up the porch steps, then the kid made a comment, and the man came up the porch (I'm guessing the box was too heavy for the kid). Then, there were two sets of footsteps down the porch, as they chattered away. The dogs were blissfully unaware that anything had taken place not 10 feet from where I was sitting.
This is a win-win-win situation. I keep the food in the cabinets rotated (none of it is over a year old, and certainly none of it is past it's expiration date), the scouts perform their community service for their badges, and those in need get food.