We felt the Virginia earthquake at work. I was quietly sitting there, minding my own computer work, when my chair started rolling back and forth. At first I thought it was me but when it lasted for more than one back/forth motion, I asked if anyone else was feeling a moving sensation. Everyone (there were 5 others there at the time) said they felt it too. It lasted maybe 10-15 seconds, then quieted down. Other people throughout the company felt it, although the Production personel didn't - probably because they were on their feet moving anyway.
I emailed WS and he said he missed it because he was walking between the shop and the office. When he got to the office, one of the guys asked if he had felt "that".
I got online and figured I would find a small quake had been in our neighborhood. Instead I found there was a large quake in Virginia. At first I couldn't believe that we felt it way up here, but then the HR Manager's daughter called from Florida and said she had felt it.
I'm just glad we weren't closer to the epicenter.
It's pretty cool when there are no deaths/little damage and you get to feel the shake, Bogie. For a scientific assessment of your quake, see href="http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/se082311a.html#scitech" target=_blank>Magnitude 5.8 - Virginia.
Do you remember the quake in Seattle? I think it was about a 4.3 - or - I may be confused since it hit at about 4:00 am.
Posted by: Cop Car | August 24, 2011 at 08:01 AM
Sorry...I omitted the leading HTML. Let's see if I can do better this time.
Magnitude 5.8 - Virginia
Posted by: Cop Car | August 24, 2011 at 08:03 AM
I was on that website reporting that we felt the quake about 10 minutes after it happened.
Funny, that night the ABC Evening News had a map that showed the felt earthquake only went to Mass - apparently they thought the boarder kept Vermont and NH from its effects (even though it was felt up in Canada).
Posted by: bogie | August 25, 2011 at 04:35 AM
Good deal, on your rapid report! Who knows how news media get/scramble the news? I shouldn't give them grief. I've put out newsletters for 2 or 3 different organizations and I can attest to how easy it is to screw things up. Neither intelligence nor intent (I'm flattering myself here) prevents screwups.
Posted by: Cop Car | August 25, 2011 at 06:11 PM