WS stayed away as long as possible, to make sure he didn't have to help with any of the hurricane prep. He even went so far as to stop at the hospital on the way home becuase he was covered in spots. This is a long story, and not really that interesting (since I won't be seeing life insurance money any time soon - LOL), so either get a fresh cup of coffee/tee, or just skip this entirely.
Two weeks ago WS's right leg started to swell in the calf area. It started on Thursday and was huge and reddened by Sunday. On Sunday I diagnosed the issue as either an infection (although I could find no wound/bite sites) or deep vein thrombosis (I had run across DVT a couple of years ago while researching something else). We were both taking that Monday off as we went to the Hippie Fest Sunday night, so he called the doctor first thing Monday morning. They told him that if possible, have someone else drive, so I took him in for his 10 o'clock appointment.
When he got out of the examination room, he said he had a 5 PM appointment at the hospital for an ultrasound to see if it was a blood clot. At the appointed time, I taxid him to the hospital, where they relieved both of us by not finding any indication of clotting. His doctor had already prescribed him an antibiotic, so he was all set.
Progress was slow as he went in for check ups. They finally gave him a second antibiotic, to be taken in conjunction with the first, which sped up the reduction in redness and swelling. The doctor had threatened to put him in the hospital for intravenous antibiotics, but with the hastened healing, that was not neccessary.
WS sent off to his prep class for the CWI and Friday noticed he was starting to red splotches and dots. He was also starting to itch. NOt good signs when one is allergic to penicillin and at least one of the antibiotics is a distant relative of that drug. But, being WS (and having paid exhoritant money just for the chance to take the test - for which there were no refunds), he just shrugged it off until after the test Saturday morning.
He called me shortly after noon and told me that he was spotted and itchy, but couldn't get ahold of the doctor. He had quit taking the antibiotic that he knew was a distand relative to Penicillen, but wasn't sure if he should do something els. I told him to call the pharmacy and see what they recommended, and if they recommended a stop at the hospital, then for he better freakin well stop at a hospital. He tried to bome back with "there aren't a whole lot of hospitals around her." I cut him off with there being a boat load of hospitals in NH, of which he would easily pass by 3.
He called back and said the pharmacist wasn't much help. He was on his way back and would stop at the shop before coming home. About 2 hours later, he called and informed me that he would be stopping at the hospital.
During the hurricane prep, I had left a couple of unwieldy things until WS got home. With word that he was stopping at the hospital, and not knowing if he would actually get home that night, I figured I would get the neighbor to help move those few things. The neighbor however, had left for a memorial, so I was out of luck. I did get 3 out of the 4 items moved, and the last I wasn't too worried about, so things were good.
Several hours later, WS got home with perscriptions for prednisone and anatax to take care of the allergic symptoms. He helped me move the last item, but other than that he didn't have to do anything but eat the dinner that I prepared. Anywhay, here are pictures about what he was whining about:
In the top pictures, note his right leg - it is very splotche, and that happens to be the ankle that was infected, strange how that happened, Also, note the armpit (I know, not exactly what one usually wants to look at), but it is hugely red. Hopefully the meds will do their job. Meanwhile, the doc at the hospital took him off all the antibiotics. I see another doctor visit in WS's near future (he had one scheduled for Wednesday, but I'm guessing they'll want to see him Monday).
I tell you, that guy will do anything to get out of a bit of work :)
WS will do anything to get out of work and Bogie will do anything to show off her man. What a pair! Seriously, let's hope that the medical folks come up with something that helps, quickly! Give WS my best, please.
Your deck/surrounds look in ship-shape. I'm thinking that you needed precious little help (just what you got, eh?!) Good show. Interesting about the bands of rain and the bushes are beautiful!
Posted by: Cop Car | August 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM
WS's spots are mostely gone, except for his leg. He doesn't itch as much either, which is a huger relief to him (that is probably what bothered him the most).
Posted by: bogie | August 28, 2011 at 05:24 PM
I can relate. I have a 3" x 1/2" swath on my left calf that has been itching for several days. I'm thinking that while I was fighting a huge patch of poison ivy (back in the woods - along the creek bank) I got oil on my ankle-high muckers - from which I got the oil a few days ago when working in the yard. (The muckers are my normal footwear for yard work.) When I get poison ivy on my arms or torso it itches a lot worse.
Posted by: Cop Car | August 28, 2011 at 05:45 PM
Poor baby! I'm glad to hear they finally got the prescriptions sorted and helped him clear up the spots. Dear Husband will do anything to avoid a hospital trip The only time I saw him willing to go to the hospital was when he was suffering from kidney stones!
Take good care of WS.....SOMEBODY has to! lol
Posted by: buffy | August 30, 2011 at 11:42 PM