Scary Yankee Chick has a link to see how much you pay in gas taxes (per gallon - as of January). So, I get good gas mileage with the Jeep (28 mpg*) and WS gets lousy mileage with his Tacoma (18 mpg*). I put in about 24k miles per year and WS puts in about 20k per year. We pay 43.4C per gallon in state and federal taxes.
In doing the math, I pay about $372 per year and WS pays about 482. That doesn't include the miles we put on our motorcycles (several thousand per year for each of us - at around 45 MPG).
Just keep in mind, some states tax by percentage of price, not by absolute amount per gallon, so with the higher prices today, some people pay even more than what the chart presents.
* these figures are for when we are not in 4WD