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February 26, 2011


Cop Car

Bogie--Sounds great! Eggs are not a necessity. I put whole-kernel corn in mine (HH eats very little cornbread no matter how it's fixed), and/or salsa (I used your salsa in the batch a couple of weeks ago). Usually, I do use an 8-inch square pan, usually, but prefer my 10" iron skillet. In either case, most of the fat/grease/oil is heated to the point of fragrance in the pan or skillet before putting the batter into the container. Egad! You are making me hungry!

Mine tastes a bit "off" because I put in no salt. I'll bet that yours tastes better!


I've done that. Irritating, isn't it? Thanks for the alternate recipe. There are just some meals that aren't complete without the cornbread!

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