With all the snow we have received lately, WS finally got to go snowmobiling. He left this morning to meet up with Jimmy, Gabe and several other guys, and headed out amongst the local trails.
Good thing they stayed local; I got a call about 3:30 to bring the truck and go get WS. Seems the sled died on him while they were riding a lake. Jimmy used his sled to tow WS's sled to a place accessible by 4-wheeled vehicle. It was easy to get the sled into WS's truck as there were 5 guys lifting it up to the bed while WS guided the nose and skies.
WS and neighbor Chris worked on it a bit before it got dark. The general concensus is there is either a carburator problem or a fuel pump problem. Either way, WS is done riding until someone can look at it.
Poor WS, he finally gets enough snow to go sledding, works hard to make sure he has all his chores and snow clean up done so he has time to go have fun, then he breaks down.
2nd try
Not a big tragedy but certainly a big bummer!
Posted by: Cop Car | January 23, 2011 at 09:18 AM