I'll take the meme from Cop Car and run (type) with it. We had done this one a little over 5 years ago, and CC thought it was time to revisit it. After I finished up with my answers, I went to my original post and compared answers - comments about that are in parenthesis.
What I was doing fifty years ago: Not 50 yet.
What I was doing twenty-five years ago: Lived in Wichita and was grooming dogs for a living.
What I was doing twenty years ago: WS and I had moved to NH and I was working for S Inc growing sapphire crystals.
What I was doing fifteen years ago: Working at S Inc. and taking classes to get my Associate's Degree.
What I was doing ten years ago: Working at S inc. and taking classes towards my Bachelor's Degree.
5 years ago: Having been laid off from two different companies, I was working in Hollis.
1 year ago: Working in Hollis.
Yesterday: Shoveling snow, after working all day in Manchester.
5 snacks I enjoy:
Salsa and chips, beef jerky, cheese and crackers, chocolate covered raisins, GS Thin Mints. (looking back, only one of those is on both lists)
5 songs I know all the words to: Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Seriously, I probably can't rattle off all the words to any other songs. (OMG - almost the same exact answer).
5 Things I would do with $100 million:
Set up trusts that would allow all of our families to live in relative comfort, help out friends who are struggling (one time gifts - annonymous), trusts for gifting to charities, Establish trusts for town emergency services (fire/ambulance, police).
5 locations I would like to run away to:
A few places I would like to visit, but run away to? Don't think so.
5 bad habits I have:
Swearing, ignoring built-up dust, procrastinating, snacking, loafing (hey, I come by it honestly)
5 things I like doing:
Reading, bird watching, seeing relatives and friends, riding motorcycle, gardening
5 things I would never wear:
Men's underwear, Nose ring, evening gown, cocktail dress, anything in the color of lime green.
5 TV shows I like:
CSI (original), NCIS (original), S%& My Dad Says, Cougar Town, Sons of Anarchy (CSI is still running strong)
5 Biggest joys of the moment:
WS, our pets, our friends, our families, the woodstove
5 Favorite toys:
Motorcycle, Sig, Computer. Holy crap, other people have 5 toys? MUST GET MORE TOYS :) (I concluded I neede more toys the last time too)
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