Yesterday I looked in the nest after Mamma Bird had flown off and saw this:
A little while later, I was going by and looked in and there were 3 chicks!
Notice that the eggshells disappeared as the chicks appeared. Mamma Bird must have carried off the remnants of the shells as I can't find them on, under, or around the porch.
This afternoon, I looked in and there are 4 chicks, although you can't tell it in this picture:
Last nightI had brushed the dogs and left a bunch of hair on the lawn. I seriously thought that Mamma Bird must have gathered some to cover up the chicks while she was away foraging. Then I got a better look and saw that the "hair" is their down.
Boy howdy do things happen fast!
ADDENDUM: I actually never saw 4 chicks, I just assumed there were 4 in the nest because the last egg was gone. NOw (that there are only 3 chicks in the nest, I'm not sure if my wording was correct.
What marvelous timing! You may wish to join NestWatch ( to report what you've observed.
Posted by: Cop Car | June 26, 2010 at 02:20 PM
I just signed up (thanks for the link). Now I just have to remember all the info I have to provide each time I look in.
Posted by: bogie | June 27, 2010 at 05:15 AM