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June 26, 2010


Cop Car

OMG, Bogie, don't even talk about your and WS's being that close to your 70s! With any luck, you'll be able to pay off early with the huge inheritance from your folks (wink, wink). You're dad will probably be as stubborn as his dad was and insist upon living to be 100, though, so don't hold your breath.

In case you worry - I'm only sorry that Pop did not make it to 100, but only came close. I miss him.


Yeah, the breath-holding has begun - NOT!

Even if there were a huge inheritance, I figure the government would get it all as they will have made it 100% taxable by then.


Ice "damn"?

A play on words, I hope.


Ha - I caught one place where I had mispelled "dam" but not the other. Guess I should have called it 'damn ice"!

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