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April 18, 2010



I wish you had introduced yourself at the show; I always like meeting new blog folks, especially "home brewed" ones.

After reading your posts, I'm even more interested as I'm a semi-retired QA guy myself. Last job brought an ISO stamping plant into TS16949. Looong project, but we pulled it off!



Thanks for visiting DoubleTrouble. There were so many people at the show, and many seemed to have questions, so I didn't want to take up valuable time. We'll meet at some point, that just wasn't the right place/time.

Cop Car

Bogie--Do you find it as entertaining as I do that I can comment on your blog, but not on my own? Are you on the Beta version? I am, but don't know that it is the issue.


That is pretty funny. I believe I am on the Beta version too, so that probably isn't the issue. Of course, I am using my old XP computer so if you are using another Windows version, so we may not be comparing apples to apples.

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