After fighting with the roses and winning the battle (but probably not the waar) on Saturday, Sunday I started cleaning up some of the perennial gardens while WS and Jimmy went for a ride. Since I new this would be one of the few frew weekends I had left, the gardens really had to be cleaned up. Here is just an example of my industriousness:
Looking pretty sloppy with all kinds of leaves and dead stalks.
All cleaned up and ready to show the greens as they appear.
It is amazing how different just cutting back and raking up the leaves can make in the appearance. I did this to several of the garden areas; both sides of the driveway steps, along the fenceline in the front yard, and in the garden areas beside the house where the lilacs are.
I cut back some of the shrubs in those areas like the Cotoneaster that was trying to smother the poor Dwarf Barberry (as well as parts of the yard that WS mows). The Snow Mound Spirea got cut back and thinned as did the Autumn Clematis and another shrub (of which the name escapes me at present moment).
I was very satisfied with the work I had gotten done and the appearance of the places I had worked in by the time that WS got back from his ride. I had expected to get to do some yard work done this weekend also, but the weather is like this:
Friday morning. The snow melted in the afternoon, but it rained when it wasn't snowing.
Satruday morning (and the scene repeated itself in the afternoon). Once again, when it wasn't snowing, it was raining (and never got out of the 30's).
However, since I picked up the contract work Friday afternoon, I haven't had a problem filling up my time this weekend!
Looking good, Bogie! Our dwarf white lilac is old enough now that I was able to cut a bouquet from it (for the first time). It perfumes the open part of our house, wonderfully!
Posted by: Cop Car | April 18, 2010 at 09:31 AM
We shouldn't get much from our lilacs this year; WS had to trim them up over the winter because they were getting tall enough to get into the power line coming in to the house. One wouldn't think a trimming would be needed after the ice storm of '08 beat them so badly, but they are tough shrubs and come back with amazing vigor.
Posted by: bogie | April 24, 2010 at 05:41 AM