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April 11, 2010


Cop Car

Bogie--You did a great job on the RRs. I waited too late, this year, but went ahead and pruned our roses. We won't have much, this year.

Great photos! You say that you had a mild winter. We had a mild winter with a couple of fairly cold (for us) spells at the end which killed a bunch of stuff (not the weeds, of course!) Our really expensive redbud (I think it was $400, with planting being about 1/2 of that) died.

I've never had a purchased redbud survive for longer than this one did, though - about 5 years? What was I thinking? Fortunately, we have a lot of other redbuds that are from volunteers at Sunrise and at Elegant Friend's house. (Her tree got so bad looking that it was replaced with something else 3 or 4 years ago.)


I am surprised that redbuds don't last longer for you. Most that I have seen are supposed to be good for zone 5 (and I believe you are zone 6), so one would think they would be a bit tougher than that.

I have alwasys wanted to plant a redbud, but figured I'd be wasting my time.

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