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February 27, 2010


Cop Car

Bogie--Is the building on the right side of the 2nd dam photo the old Chicago knife factory? I understand that many of the buildings in that area look similar to us outsiders, but had to ask.

Beautiful, beautiful scenery.

A photo in the Wichita Eagle, this morning, showed a crew working on re-stringing power line where a large tree had been felled by the wind, in turn downing the lines - in Bow NH (wherever that is!)

Cop Car

Bogie--Is the building on the right side of the 2nd dam photo the old Chicago knife factory? I understand that many of the buildings in that area look similar to us outsiders, but had to ask.

Beautiful, beautiful scenery.

A photo in the Wichita Eagle, this morning, showed a crew working on re-stringing power line where a large tree had been felled by the wind, in turn downing the lines - in Bow NH (wherever that is!)


That was a really nice try, but that is the old Wood's Woolen Mill building in Hillsborough (now the Mill Apartments), which is on the Contoocook River.

You get credit for remembering the Chicago Cutlery building (Goodall Mil building), which is on Great Brook in Antrim.

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