Well, the seeds from Vermont Been Seed Company are in:
I found that I ordered a whole lot of beans; mostly grean, but also fava and wax. The peas and corn I kep to a reasonable level, as I did the squash. The two packages of tomatoes are not the only maters I ordered - but most of those are from a different company.
Apparently VBSC didn't think I had enough beans, the sent me a free 3-pack of experimental beans:
I may or may not plant them this year, but should keep nicely in the refrigerator, so it's no big deal unless they are expecting a report on how they do for me.
Only a couple more months to go before I can start seeds inside.
I never thought I'd hear these words from MY mouth, but......I'm ready for SPRING!!!
Seeing pictures of your seeds just upped the cabin fever.
Posted by: buffy | February 17, 2010 at 03:31 PM
Sorry to contribute to the cabin fever!
Posted by: bogie | February 20, 2010 at 07:03 AM