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February 07, 2010


Mr. McGregor's Daughter

Thanks for participating! I'm always impressed when anybody can keep a houseplant alive, and having a 20 year + old plant is quite an achievement.


We have 2 plants over 20 years old - we've had the begonia since about 1985 and the asparagus fern was given rescued while we lived in Bennington; 23 years ago. Actually, I got the orange plant then too - so that makes 3 plants over 20 years old.

Cop Car

Bogie--I have descendents of plants that were given me in 1974 or 1975, but my oldest plants are probably no more than 10-15 years old. (I am nursing the last of the descendents of plants given to me in 1983, in CA, and hoping to re-establish that line of variagated spider plant.) You take after both of your grandmothers in having a green thumb. More power to you!

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