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November 15, 2009


Cop Car

Bogie--It is only fitting that you should get the sun while we get the clouds. It started raining at around Midnight and is supposed to continue until at least 5 PM. We can, however, handle the rain.

I have planted 11 new bushes (and transplanted a couple of other "sprigs" of holly) in the last few weeks, so the rain means I needn't water, so much. I would blog about it, but I'm still having trouble with TypePad. I can now, at least, log into the Dashboard; but, none of the links to "Compose" works for me. Gah! It probably has something to do with the multitudinous updates that I downloaded from Microsoft a couple of weeks ago. I'll keep working at it.


I was mistaken, we got 2" of rain on Saturday - not that it makes much of a difference one way or t'other.

Cop Car

While, for some areas .5" would be a big deal, not so much in your area. We had 1" on Sunday, and more this morning (haven't checked the rain gage, yet.)

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