Yesterday we went for a foliage ride. We were suposed to go today, but the forcast was for rain all day, so we elected to go on the dry day. We couldn't put off the ride for another weekend as we will be gone for the next two weekends (to a super-secret location), and by the time we get back, foliage season will be over.
B-I-L and S-I-L went with us. We left the house shortly before 8 AM, when it was 32 degrees. These pictures were taken around 9**, after we had grabbed gas and breakfast (I am not liking the fact that I can no longer put descriptions next to the picture, thanks to changes that were mad to Typepad - now I have to put them a full line above or below the picture).
There was lots of traffic on the roads - everyone doing the same thing that we were doing; leaf-peeping. Lots of bikes were out too; everyone bundled up since the high was only in the low 60's.
This area should look familiar to Cop Car - this is a pull-off that we stopped at several years ago when she and HH were visiting:
Foliage wasn't peak yet, but still it was a nice sunny day and the foliage was a nice excuse to go for an all-day ride.
** For those interested, follows a listing of what I am wearing in that pic:
- Below the waist: lightweight long underwear, jeans, rain pants (wind-proof), lined chaps, regular socks and hiking boots.
- Above the waist: short-sleeve T-shirt, heavy high-necked sweatshirt, heavy leather coat, silk glove liners, winter-weight gloves
- Head: do-rag, head sock, leather (lined) ear warmer, leather (lined) neck wrap that can be pulled up the to the nose while still protecting the neck.
Absolutely, I remember the turnoff...and the foliage seems to be at the same stage as when we were there. Super! (Let us know about your disappearance to a secret location, when you get back!)
P.S. I would absolutely die wearing that much clothing at any chill factor above -20!!!! (Except, maybe, what you had on your head and neck.)
Posted by: Cop Car | September 27, 2009 at 07:04 PM
On second thought, perhaps at the speeds you are riding, your wind chill IS -20!
You should tip off your readers that the first photo is of you and your WS. SEXY!
Posted by: Cop Car | September 27, 2009 at 07:05 PM
OK...I'm not sure how the comments are working since my 1st comment disappeared when I posted the 2nd. Sometimes, both get posted.
1st Comment: Absolutely, I remember the turnoff...and the foliage seems to be at the same stage as when we were there. Super! (Give us an update when you return from your secret location.)
I would absolutely die wearing that many clothes at any wind chill factor above -20!!!! (Except, perhaps, what you have on your head and neck.)
2nd Comment: On second thought, perhaps at the speeds you are riding, your wind chill IS -20!
You should tip off your readers that the first photo is of you and your WS. SEXY!
Posted by: Cop Car | September 27, 2009 at 07:08 PM
I don't think you would have a problem with all that clothing at 32 degrees. Sure, I lost the rain pants when we stopped for lunch, but was cool the whole time (not even any hot flashes - being on the cold side helps with that).
Even WS wore his chaps (with long undearwear), sweatshirt, heavy lined jacket and winter gloves the whole time - and he is hot-blooded. Of course most of the time it was in the 30's to 50's. The only place that it was probably in the low 60's whas where we stopped for lunch - in the middle of a town so surrounded my concrete and blacktop.
When you are on the road for 9 hours and put in 340+ miles, the cold wind takes away plenty of heat. Daytime temps can be deceptive for those not experienced and many riders experience hypothermia. You can tell noobe riders from those that are in the know (or that don't have far to go)!
Posted by: bogie | October 02, 2009 at 08:15 AM