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September 13, 2009


Cop Car

Bogie--That is so great that you and WS can ride your motorcycles to work and then go on your weekend excursions free to your wallet and the environment. Too bad your riding season is so short; but, I know you must enjoy your winters!

Sorry about the garden. I've always thought that the biggest gamblers in the world are the farmers - especially the small ones who don't have the acreage to diversify very much. I'm picking lots of peppers (mostly Hungarian yellow wax, but some green), and our second crop of dill is coming up from self-seeding (a black swallowtail butterfly was flitting about the little 1" seedlings, yesterday, perhaps finding a place to lay eggs), but the tomatoes did zilch. As you may recall, our strawberries did zilch this spring; but, the new bed looks in shape to outproduce the remains of the old bed (which is still creeping further out of its bounds) next spring. Let's keep our fingers crossed for better crops for the both of us.

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