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June 07, 2009


Cop Car

Bogie--I see what you meant by your earlier comment. What a shame! Farmers (and gardeners) are the biggest gamblers in the world. Good luck with the rest of the growing season. You won't have what you wanted; but, as you said, you'll be feasting this summer.


Is it not possible to replant some of it? A summer without tomatoes.... that's just no summer at all!

On the other hand...you have green beans, and I can't grow them here. Too many bunnies and deer and not enough fencing in the world to protect them. It's rather like the Wallace and Grommet movie about the Were-rabbit. If it exists, they will get it!


I used all my seed from last year and it's way too late to start seed anyway. The only plants they sell around here are slicers, and that isn't what I grow (I make salsa and sauces).


Yes, I'm the proud recipient of one of your jars of salsa. I tend to grow slicers and cherry tomatoes for salads. I'm particularly fond of the miniature yellow pear tomatoes which last right up to the hard frost, and last inside well, too.

The only thing I have canned in the past is a chili sauce that is used on pork, and that uses slicers rather than Roma style tomatoes.

Cop Car

And I'll vouch for the fact that not only does Bogie produce delicious salsa but Buffy puts out a mean chili sauce. I didn't think I liked chili sauce until Buffy sent a couple of jars of hers home with me. Great stuff! I need to use the recipe that Buffy gave me.


I don't grow slicers because WS doesn't eat tomatoes (he is getting better about it though) and they give me heartburn, so I tend to stay away from raw tomatoes (although I do love them).

Chilie sauce - I've never made it, you'll have to send me the recipe to try!

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