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April 25, 2009


Cop Car

I would like to send you some of our heatwave. It was in the high 80s Thurs and Fri (don't know what's in store for today). I am suffering!


Sure, send us some 80's - we hit a record 90 yesterday (talk about suffering from severe shock - try going from the 60's on Friday to 90 - that will do it!).

Really, reasonable 70's and low 80's is good with me.

Cop Car

Sorry about that! Poor Los Angeles had hit 100 when the heat came by them. We had a brief thunderstorm last evening, which cooled us down to about 76. It is now 64--and the doors and windows are open. We'll see what the clouds out there produce for us, today.

Better luck on your weather and good luck on your school project (as if you needed luck on it!)

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