Monday, after meeting with my friend and discussing databases (she's going to try to get a real database that is meant to service more than one user / one desktop), I went to the firing range. I was by myself this time and spent some time trying a few different things.
At 7-8 yards, in Single Action Only (SAO) mode, I was not as accurate as I would have liked at first, then obviously found where I needed to be at:
At 10 yards, I never truly got consistant in SAO:
I then changed to Double Action Only (DAO), which is a pain since I had to de-cock after every shot, but that was the only way to truly know the difference between SA and DA accuracy.
Once again, it took me a bit to hone in, but eventully got there. Additionally, this target is a combination between 7-8 yards and 10 yards.
At 15 yards, I amazed myself that I hit anywhere close to the center of the target as all I could see was a small black area. Add to that, the fact that I can't really focus in on my front sight, and you can understand why I patted myself on the back.
This afternoon, WS will get out after 1/2 day, so we will go to the range together. He has changed to the larger grip on his gun (the XD comes with 3 grips; small, medium and large). It feels more natural to him, so hopes that it will help. He will also take the tools he needs to change the grip so I can try the small grip.
When we get home, we will be shovelling / snow blowing the 8-10" of snow that is expected (it just started about 1/2 hour ago). So, the trip to the range is an early reward for our hard work later in the day.