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December 15, 2008



we could learn a lesson over this side of the pond from you guys, you are so resourceful.


Hang in there.

And be sure to check the oil in the generator the next time you refuel.


Bruce - this generator is new-fangled (even if it is 7-8 years old), it shuts itself off and refused to start when it gets low on oil. Does the same thing for gas ;)

Bod - you guys would do just fine, you just do what you gotta do.

Cop Car

Good morning, Bogie. There was no doubt in my mind that you and WS were taking it all in stride. My only question was (and I wrote a whole posting on your weather and your survival skills; but, TypePad is acting up on me and I couldn't get it to post, properly, so I finally killed the piece) how many people were bunking in with you. Evidently, there are no extra feet in your turf.
Tried to call your landline and got a busy signal. Wasn't sure whether it meant that you or WS was on the phone or whether it meant your phone service was down. Didn't want to run your cell phone battery down, so didn't call it.
Thanks for the report. I'll forward it to your dad.

Wichi Dude

Glad to hear all is...well...SORT of well. Hope they get the power back up soon.

Ya know, there have been times I've thought about investing in a generator. Still have to convince myself though.

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