Let's see, it has been a whole 4 months since something major at homestead Bogie has died. Some may not call this major, but my printer died. The last printer died in early 2006. I believe the last printer before that died in 2003-2004. I don't even print that much, so don't understand the problem with keeping printers alive.
The printer was fine last week when I used it to copy a page. Then I tried to use it last night and it told me that the ink door is open. I haven't changed ink for 2 months or so. Not only that, but the ink door is actually the entire body of the printer. But, upon closer inspection, some part inside broke (all by itself no less) that holds the body in the correct position. The end result is that the body is cocked over on one side, and the printer knows when you are trying to hold it in place by hand (read that as "the printer still doesn't work"). Now, it even refuses to turn on.
Guess I'lll have to go out and stimulate the economy (hey, I thought I did that a couple of weeks ago).
Hmmmm...I'm still on my first printer. It was purchased in 1998 or 1999 and has never worked quite right; but, it isn't used enough for my having to feed in the blank paper one-page-at-a-time to be a huge problem. Let us know/see what you get!
Posted by: Cop Car | November 22, 2008 at 09:33 AM