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November 22, 2008


Cop Car

3-7-2 and I told 'em I never intended to ride!


Tne 7 for zeal indicates you have a lot of zeal not to ride. (and I remember when you had your license - not from actually riding a bike, but you did have the endorsement).

More importantly, what bike did the quiz say suited you (I'm guessing a scooter).

Cop Car

This is strange. Although I recall that the bike they tagged me with as a Japanese make (and the write-up was the same as yours, so the model may also have been); I just now went to re-take the test and came up with different results. Although I thought that my answers did not vary, this time they tagged me with an American make--Harley 883 Sportster
You scored 5 moxie, 5 zeal, and 0 pomp!
Since I answered the first question that I had no interest in riding and answered I wouldn't take the training because I didn't intend to ride, the first result puzzled me even more than the fact that the 2nd test gave a different answer. Oh, well.

I'll leave the motorcycling to you youngsters!

Wichi Dude

Hmmm...mine says I should be on a Yama R1 1000, or a Suzi 1000.
It also leans towards me being slightly crazy(er) than normal. I'm with CC, I am going to have to disagree with the results.


Imagine that, it thinks you are slightly crazier than the population. I never would have guessed [stuggling to keep on a straight face] - LOL

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