So after all my whining about needing rain, it pretty much rained from just before I went to St. Louis until early last week. Great for the garden, bad for getting any planting done. Those days that it didn't rain, I was helping a friend from work figure out her landscaping needs and helping her shop for plants.
Yesterday I finally got a nice day (that I was home) to plant. Since the morning was taken up with normal Saturday chores, I didn't get started until about 1:30. In 2.5 hours, I got 5 shrubs planted (those of you with decent soil are sure to think this is a very slow pace). The shrubs planted were 3 winterberries and 2 bayberries. The sad part is that I had just bought the bayberries (50% off sale - couldn't resist), so I didn't make much of a dent in the pot ghetto.
Speaking of the pot ghetto, it has grown considerably since the last time I posted (at that time I had about 20 potted plants waiting to be planted - not counting the roses on the deck). I found a really great nursery in Goffstown; Uncanoonuc Mt. Nursery. I found this place while half lost coming back from my friends house and after seeing all the blooms in the field I had to stop for a look. I am really into daylillies, and they had a massive offering of different varieties. I took home 9 pots. Actually I was very proud of myself as I firmly made myself stop looking at plants after perusing only the roses and daylillies. If I had looked at other stuff, I am sure my poor truck would have been stuffed to the seams!
I have also gotten 4 different kinds of hydrangeas in the last couple of weeks. I got them on sale and plan on putting them at the corner of the driveway. Naturally, I am going to have to re-do that section, so I probably won't get to it this year (not at this rate anyway), so really didn't have to buy them yet.
Then there were the 2 bayberries and the male fringetree I bought yesterday. Oh, and the 12 or so roses due to come in in a couple of weeks from mail order.
With no rain due until tonight, I guessing you can tell what I am going to be doing today!
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