Yesterday I took my truck in for its 90k mile checkup (for those counting, I've had the truck less than 4 years). The 90k service is a major one, and takes a lot of time. additionally, within the past 10 days, the truck had begun squealing. And to top it off, since Monday, it has been groaning when the steering wheel is turned left (actually, during all steering when cold). So, I knew this was going to take some major time.
Unfortunately, the service place is about 30 miles away (isn't everything?). So, I packed up my book bag with the ancient laptop that I got from the fiber company when it closed, 3 books and the Sunday newspaper crossword puzzle. Thursday night I loaded the computer with stuff I had brought from work to do this weekend. It was a comedy as I had loaded the stuff at work onto a 2G flash drive. However, the laptop does not have the technology to power that type of drive, so I had to load it onto the first flash drive I ever owned - a top of the line (at the time) 32MB drive. Windows 98 could recognize that and actually power it thru the USB 1.0 port.
WS was laughing at all the wires I had going; the laptop only has 2 USB ports, both side by side. The flash drive is too large to be able to use both ports at the same time, and one was hooked up to the mouse (I hate trying to use touch pads). So, I had to pull out the equally ancient USB port hub, which I had bought for the laptop when I still worked for the fiber company (WS always makes fun of me for saving everything that goes to the different machines because it is hard for him to believe that most of parts for newer machines won't run on the older ones). Then, I had to make several trips between my computer downstairs, and the laptop upstairs to transfer all the files I needed (upstairs was warmer and I had more room on the coffee table to set everything up).
Finally, everything was all set and the bag packed for Friday.
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