You are invited to watch the Superbowl at someone's house (including dinner). You ask what you can bring and the answer is "Nothing.":
A) Do you bring nothing
B) Do you bring a little something (desert, chips, or maybe something to drink)
C) Do you bring a whole freakin meal
If you said A or B, you have been sensitive to your hosts wishes. If you said C, your host is probably cursing you.
Next Test:
If you brought the whole freakin meal:
A) Did you bring something that could be popped into the oven and taken out when ready to eat as the hosts planned dinner was designed to be
B) did you bring something that would require pouring the main portion into a pot and rewarming on the stove, using other pots and burners on the stove, using the oven, and using the microwave.
If you said A, your hosts might still be cursing you, but not loudly.
If you said B, take the next test
Next test: If you brought food that required several dishes and every heating element in the kitchen
A) did you volunteer to take care of your food preparations
B) did you expect the hostess to take care of the preparations
If you said A, your hosts may be miffed that you brought the whole meal, but at least you were sensitive to the fact that they wanted to watch the game and not spend 45 minutes in the kitchen.
If you said B, then your hostess would like to kick your teeth in for making her miss most of the second quarter of the game and commercials (on top of sticking the hosts with the pre-planned, pre-bought and prepared food that is still sitting in the fridge).
Next test:
A) Did you repack the leftovers to take home
B) did you leave it to the hostess to dump everything in the pans back into your dishes, bag up the bread and pack it back up for you
If you answered A, well, at least you did something right
If you answered B, then you not only should be missing some teeth (from the hostess, remember her restraint?) but you are seriously on the shit list.
Next test:
A) did you bring desert with the whole freakin meal
If yes, when it wasn't eaten
A) did you take it home (or leave a couple of slices and take the bulk of it home)
B) did you decide that the hosts' diets weren't important and leave the whole freakin cake
If you answered A, no extra deductions are added
If you answered B. You are not really anyone that the hosts need in their home again anytime soon. The hosts not only have to find a way to dispose of the food that they were providing, but now they have extra food in the fridge that they don't want or need.
If your answers were mainly in the B (or C) range, I hope you enjoyed the game and commercials because that is the last time you will ever be invited, or welcome on game day.
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