Wednesday night it got really windy. We were in watching an episode of Earth 2 (on DVD) when we heard a sound like the metal shed being ripped apart. WS even commented that it was a scary sound. Thursday, while looking for Fuzzy, I found out what the noise was; wood that WS had stacked in the lean-to had gone thru the tarp wall and colided with the metal shed. Hold on, let me go take a pic of that . . .
God I love having a digital camera!
Ahem, anyway, here is the damage:
Note the extreme difference in the amount of snow between the sheds compared to last week. Plus, you shouldn't be able to see into the lean-to because the tarp should be there.
I was going to re-stack the wood yesterday, but it was sleeting (and later just plain raining), so I passed on that for a better day (today).