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August 25, 2007


Cop Car

Beautiful, Bogie! Your "little" project is a pretty big one for someone no more inclined to do such things than I am. I just don't understand why you won't give up living in NH to return to Derby--so that you can do my gardening! (Kids are so ungrateful...grumble, grumble.) ;^)


Would you please come and renovate my iris bed?? Move to Illinois and I'll even cook for you! (Trumping the grumpy one's bid)

That was a lot of work, Bogie....and it's looking great!


Hey, is that a bidding war that just got started? If so, I think it would be much easier for me if you would move to NH and cook for me!


hold on a minute, i think you'd enjoy the challenge my garden would provide bogie and buffy i think you would find me a very appreciative recipient of home cooking!
cop car, you'd be more than welcome to supervise the activities :-)


Ooh, I'd get to travel the world, enjoy Buffies cooking, and appreciate Cop Car's organizational skills. A combo that's hard to beat!

Cop Car

What a deal! I'm up for bod's suggestion!

Cop Car

Well, duh! What I meant to say is that, good as Bod's suggesting is, I am up for Bogie's suggestion.


I think it was bod's first, I just expanded upon it.

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