It's been a long week. WS has been working extra long days and I have had pet-sitting duties (which I believe the next 2 days are the only days this month that I don't have pet-sitting). Two nights this week after regular chores, I put more coats of polyeurathane on the cabinet. I only have one more coat to go (I hope). Still have to turn the thing over and do the very bottom at least twice to protect the wood.
Last night I spent time repotting some roses. I have gotten into roses the last couple of months for some odd reason; okay, the reason isn't odd, I just don't know what that reason is - I'm going to blame the "enablers" on the Gardening forum that I frequent. I recently found out that one of the premier own-root rose suppliers, The Uncommon Rose, was going out of retail business. Naturally, I had to order some of the stuff that I don't run across anywhere else. Their plants come as slips, or slightly larger, so need to be repotted into larger pots for better continued growth (and to hold them until I can figure out where the heck I am going to put them). Here is a list of what I now have with the type in parentheses:
I had already gotten three miniature roses from Nor'East Miniature Roses:
I have also bought some roses from gardening centers. I believe I wrote about the Peace and Arizona roses that I got from Agway a couple of weeks ago (pictures hopefully next week). This week I stopped at a gardening center around the corner from work, and bought two more roses; Sheila's Perfume and Double Delight. Both are supposed to be very aromatic, with Double Delight rated at the top of the scale and Sheila's Perfume not too far behind.
So to recap; I still have one tree and a bunch of shrubs to plant in the area formerly of the fruit trees, I now have about 20 roses that I have to figure out what to do with, and oh, by the way, there is some stuff I planted last year that I decided have to be moved out and somewhere else (espcially that wisteria tree - I can see it will get out of hand quickly so I need to put it somewhere that I don't mind when it happens - Note to self: wisterias are not slowed down when grown in shade).
Hey, but it is all worth it. I can't help but smile at the blooms as they arrive and I eagerly look around the yard for what is coming up next. I am so excited about the first blooms I have gotten off a couple of clematis I planted last year (and WS kept weed-wacking to the ground). I can't help but lean over and smell the Arizona rose everytime I go up the steps to the porch (can't wait for the Double Delight and Sheila's Perfume to open up). And, I enjoy the excercise and time I spend digging the holes for the new trees and shrubs (even though I cuss about rocks and black flies).
So if I don't post much for the next month, you know that pet-sitting and planting have taken over my life!
There must have been a glitch, yesterday. There was no way for me to leave comments on this posting. Oh, well.
Posted by: Cop Car | June 10, 2007 at 09:04 AM