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May 28, 2007


Cop Car

Isn't it great that the humidity is low whilst you stain the linen cabinet. Let's hope it stays long enough for the polyurethane to be applied and dried. As to all of the plantings: you are making me ill. The thought of all of that hard work makes me dizzy, at the least! Unfortunately, the Blue Moon rose that I bought from J&P (partly, as a replacement for the non-viable amaryllis, but with more money added) has shown no sign of life. I am severely disappointed that two plants from them have not worked out. Their name may disappear from my preferred vendors list!

Have fun on your trip to the coast.


What a great weekend! Do you think WS could come and give Dear Husband a pep talk? I sure wish I had the gardening partner that you have.

I'm amazed at what you've planted! I've gotten a lot of annuals, and perennials into the ground, and we've filled eight pots for the front of the house. The only garden that is fully planted is the herb garden. I still have some plants waiting to go in at the front of the house, and plan to do them very early tomorrow. We're supposed to get those 80s and humidity, so I want to be out of the gardens by 10:00 a.m. at the latest.

I hope that you had a great trip to the coast!


Cop Car - The Blue Moon Rose that I thought had survived actually didn't. Another plant that I had planted there 2 years ago, and had died over the winter, made a comeback (I'm guessing from seed).


Buffy - It sounds like you have done an amazing amount of work yourself between the planters and herb garden (not to mention taking care of EM).

Sorry, but I don't think a pep talk would help. We have a friend that WS has to browbeat into mowing his yard just a couple of times a year - usually when the guy has lost something large in there!


i think about doing my garden a lot does that count? i tell myself that the cats love hiding from each other in the long grass!


bogie, I was afraid of that. I got some help from DS when the boat was buried in the grass on the back lot, but I think now that we are in sailing season, I'll be lucky to see him come and go.

My siblings have all come to gardening late in life. I've been gardening all my life and am now thinking about cutting back. I've always marched to the beat of a different drummer than the rest of my family.

Please tell WS that I commend him on all his hard work! (You too....that goes without saying! *G*)


Bod - thinking about it may count if it makes you sweat and/or smile.

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