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April 28, 2007


Wichi Dude

How in the world did you ever get WS to park at a computer? Put bike pics up on it?
Just curious.

Nasty looking roadways. I know that isn't ICT so you think they may have them repaired soon? If it were ICT, we'd still be guessing about the repair date a year from now.


Road repair? It's not in the town budget - we are on a 20 year plan (actually, after this year's town meeting, it has turned into a 21 year plan). They will get some gravel down at some point. Since this road was re-done something like 5 years ago, we still have another 15 years to go before a true repair is done.

WS on the computer - he is making some welding certs for work. That is the only thing he does on the computer (started about 6 months ago).

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