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March 18, 2007


Cop Car

Hmmm...until you mentioned "IAMS", I didn't recall that the piece on the radio listed brands; but, I do recall their listing that one--no doubt because of the pronunciation that they used (which may be correct, for all I know--just not how I think of it.)

Thanks for considering the effect of your feeding habits on the visiting cats. I like that thoughtfulness!


Hmm, how did they pronounce it - I've always pronounced it "I'ms" (and that is all I ever recall hearing it said)

Cop Car


Is 9 lives on list or is my little tom okay?


9 Lives is not on the list.

Phala Mullens

I feed my 2 cats Purina dry food and
Friskies wet food. Sometimes they eat
Meow Mix in the pouches. Are they in

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