So, the neighbors (they of the Security System), have moved out and DC wants to know the scoop. First, new readers should probably go read that link I provided in the 1st sentence. Next, go read this entry. Alright, maybe everyone should go re-read those posts to refresh memories.
Anyway, it has been 3 1/2 years since the Meet the Neighbors part (where does time go?). At that point, there were 8 new neighbors on Tubbs Hill (all new houses), plus the Security System people in R&J's old house.
In that 3 1/2 years, about half the people have moved out. One guy used that it was a long drive from here to Amherst (where he works) for an excuse. I will grant that it is a longish drive - about 45 minutes (I know, I used to work in the same industrial park). However, he was working in Amherst before they moved here. He didn't know that it would be that long a drive? Give me a break - he and/or she couldn't do the country scene (which is fine - just admit it).
Of the other couples who moved from the Tubbs Hill gang, we don't know exactly why they moved, but do know that it didn't have anything to do with forclosures or forced sales.
They of the Security System are a different story (actually, I am unsure if they actually put in a system because I don't know a single person that actually talked to them since the Greet the Neighbor party). The only thing we know is that 2 years ago she claimed bankruptcy (it was in the local paper). Then, about 6 months after that, they got divorced. She stayed in the house, but it was up for sale forever (at least 1 year). I wasn't even sure that anyone was in the house - I rarely saw lights on or vehicles in the driveway. WS assures me that she was there though.
About a month ago the house was finally sold, she moved out and new people moved in. It was big talk here at the Bogie household because we have nothing better to do than gossip about the neighbors I commented that I had seen vehicles in the driveway. Then we saw a guy at the top of the road digging thru the snowbank one Saturday morning. We figured out that new people were moving in and that the guy was looking for the "House For Sale" sign that had been at the corner of the road. A moving van that showed up later helped in the diagnosis.
I'll have to talk to Mocha's people and get them to have another Greet the Neighbor party. There are several new people in the houses on Tubbs Hill (at least 4 houses worth) and 2 other houses up the hill from us have been sold recently, so we really need a get-together to sort everyone out. Oh, and the trailer jsut down the hill and across the street from us is up for sale - she is going back to Texas.
It just seems odd that we have been in our house longer than all but one other homeowner on Dickey Hill!
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