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November 24, 2006



I'm always looking for new fantasy books, but I refuse to get sucked into another 20-book series. Are these stand-alone books, or do you need to read each one in order in order to get the storyline?


Reading the first one would be nice, just to get the background. The second and third one follow different people, on different continents, so they can stand alone (and no, you really don't have/<> to read the first one.

However, there are a few places that people mentioned are now on another continent, so you might be wondering who "Fiddler" is and what he has to do anything if you decide to go straight to the 3rd book (he is in books 1 and 2). However, those parts don't really have anything to do with the plot-line, so are unimportant on the whole.

The funny part, is if you start with Book 3, the Epilogue is a great intro to Book 2, so you can actually switch the order and not lose a thing.


Thanks. I'll have to check it out then.

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