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October 03, 2006


Cop Car

One out of three ain't bad: I have pyracantha, too--two of them, so far, of the dwarf persuasion. You may recall that I had full-sized pyracantha all over the place, in Albuquerque. The Inkberry is very similar in appearance to my chokeberries; but, of course, the chokeberry is deciduous. I've not seen a sourwood tree, to my remembrance. Of course, it and the Inkberry prefer your moist, acidic climes to our dry, alkaline. If I were a betting person, I would bet that you will itch until you get the ninebark planted. Great progress!


The inkberry is semi-evergreen; up here they should lose their leaves.

I am rather doubtful on the nine-bark being planted because as soon as pet-sitting is over, I will be going back to 11 hour days (maybe 12) and possibly some weekends. Right now I am just working 10 hour days since one of my charges is a dog that needs to be let out.

Cop Car

"Just" 10 hours/day? You slackard, you.


What a satisfying weekend you must have had! I love the pyracanthus. I should find a place here to add a few.

Ilex....Isn't holly in that genus?

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