About 5 yesterday afternoon there was an ambulance at our neighbor's house (I saw it as I was going pet-sitting). At 9, I went and let their little dog out then put her in her kennel. I left a note explaining what I had done and letting them know to call us if they needed anything.
Hope everything is all right.
UPDATE: Mr. Neighbor called and said that his wife had had tightness in her chest and trouble breathing. They took her to the hospital but the doctors did not believe she had a heart attack. She was kept at the hospital overnight as a precaution. After testing yesterday afternoon, which came out negative, they released Mrs. Neighbor without any restrictions.
Would these be the neighbors across the road from you? Wherever your neighbors are, you did as much as you could. They'll appreciate that!
Posted by: Cop Car | August 07, 2006 at 02:01 PM
thats just so kind bogie. im sure theyll be grateful, i too hope they are ok.
Posted by: bod | August 07, 2006 at 02:48 PM
Cop Car - These were the neighbors behind (beside) us.
Posted by: bogie | August 08, 2006 at 03:59 AM
With all one reads about misdiagnosis of heart disease in women, of how women's heart attacks are different from men's, of how many women are sent home with a "clean bill of health" when they should have been sent to the operating room, I wonder how useful it is for a woman to even bother going in to the emergency room when they believe they are having a cardiac event. Let's hope Mrs Neighbor is truly all right and that she was attended to competently. (Gad! Don't I sound negative, this morning? It follows being subjected to increasingly expensive testing (required by one doctor before he would do a colonoscopy and another doctor, later, just for fun, I think), only to be told that all of the tests--which showed nothing to be wrong with my equipment--really didn't mean much when performed on a woman. Had someone told me that ahead of time, I would have thumbed my nose at the doctors who wanted the testing and stayed at home!)
Posted by: Cop Car | August 08, 2006 at 08:16 AM
You'll notice I didn't say that she was healthy, just that they had released her without any restrictions. I know that heart disease in women is not diagnosed nearly enough (or early enough). However, Mrs Neighbor did go to the hospital where our friend was diagnosed immediatly as having a heart attack and not having bronchitis as her doctor had told her.
Posted by: bogie | August 09, 2006 at 03:59 AM
One big vote of confidence for the hospital, then!
Posted by: Cop Car | August 09, 2006 at 08:04 PM