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July 07, 2006


Cop Car

Too bad that we don't have enough moisture in our wooded are to sustain a lenten rose. It looks good. And I thought that the partidgeberry groundcover looked pretty--but--"opposite ovate-orbicular leaves"? Now who could put up with that??? ; )

Your Grandmother H loved mountain laurel almost as much as she loved dogwood. She enjoyed things that bloomed in wooded areas, early of a spring. My eyes crossed for a moment in reading, "Devoted gardeners will recognize Clethra as an indispensable native shrub of the woodland landscape. Its beautiful white spikes of fragrant summer flowers, wet-site adaptability,...." I read it as web-site. Hmmmm...been staring at the screen to long!

Hope you have a wonderful ride. With all of this physical labor, you will need a break.


enjoy your play!

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