The flowers that are blooming so far:
- Squill
- Iris Reticulata
- Glory in the snow
- Crocus - yellow, white and purple
Those are still blooming from last week, but I've had some newcomers join the show:
- Botanical Tulips - really pretty, if short (about 6" tall), wild-type tulips that are magenta with gold centers. The picture, which I found at The Plant Expert, says that this is a Persian Pearl Tulipa Humilis. I got them as freebies with an order of bulbs last fall and am extremely pleased with them. They will put on a stunning show in a couple of years, after they have had time to multiply.
- Grape Hyacinths - only a couple so far. The larger hyacinths will probably bloom next week. These were planted last fall.
- Ice Follies Daffodils - yesterday about 7 of the daffodils that I planted amonght the daylilies along the fence opened up. There are a whole bunch more that need to open. Interestingly, it was the bulbs that are more shaded that have flowered first. These also were planted last fall and I can't wait for them to naturalize along the fence so we can have a spring show and with summer show of lilies (I thought I had a picture of teh lilies along the fence, but I can't find it).
- The Forsythias are blooming too. The ones that I transplanted last fall are looking a bit straggly (they looked that way before I transplanted them), but there is one next to the roses that just does an outstanding job year after year.
- Oh yeah, let's not forget the lone dandylion that is blooming out by the shed!
I can't wait for the rest of the tulips and daffodils to get into the action!
If you need more dandelions, we have loads of them--on the back portion of the lot, mostly. They also love to spring up among the stems of the various berry bushes--exactly where it is impossible to get to them. Oh, well, they are pretty. Not nearly as pretty as your freebie tulips, though. How gorgeous! Yes, you've posted photos of your lilies along the fence; but, don't ask me to "go find 'em"! Sounds like a lovely spring at your house.
Posted by: Cop Car | April 22, 2006 at 09:03 AM
Your tulips multiply??? Wowwwww..... Ours last a year or two and then the chipmunks have eaten them or moved them. I have one group of Darwin tulips that come back year after year, that I must have planted in a wire basket.
I LOVE "Ice Follies" daffodils. They are the first to bloom each year of the dozens of types of daffs spread around our grounds. Unfortunately, we get one day in the 80s every year that kills the blooms off early. It's SO dissapointing to loose the blooms, but they come back each year, so maybe one year we'll have a longer cool blooming season.
That's a gorgeous freebie tulip!
Posted by: buffy | April 22, 2006 at 10:18 PM
Buffy - I've never actually been able to keep tulips between the planting in fall and growing in the spring (chipmunks have always gotten them before). So I'm being optomistic when I say the tulips will multiply. However, I am under no illusion that anything othere than the botanical tulips will increase!
Cop Car - Oh, we have plenty of dandylions, but only one early bloomer so far. It's probably sorry it got so blold since we had sleet yesterday and it has been in the 30's since yesterday afternoon (we've had the woodstove going).
Posted by: bogie | April 23, 2006 at 01:18 PM
Some of our dandelions are so protected that they bloom during the winter!
Posted by: Cop Car | April 23, 2006 at 10:13 PM