Despite the cold and snow that we have had the last week (and the 10" of snow expected today), the resident bear still has not begun his hibernation. He (she?) has left multiple tracks in the yard.
It has also taken off with the brand new No-No feeder, which was 1/2 full of seed. We followed the tracks from the suet feeder in the back yard (the only one I put up - which he promptly broke the chain and emptied out the suet), along the side of the house, and out to near the driveway. We lost his tracks there, but assumed at that point he went for the no-no feeder out in the middle of the driveway.
We picked his tracks back up near the flower bed in the corner of the driveway. It was obviously carrying the feeder, as there was a trail of seed going the same way. He then crossed the road, and we pretty much lost the trail (the kids across the street had been everywhere).
We never did find the feeder.
So, now I don't dare feed the birds because the bear is getting way to used to coming over for a snack. I am down to the feeder by the shed (enclosed by the fences so the bear can't get to it). That feeder gets emptied every day because it is more of a squirrel feeder despite the metal cage around it (squirrels can't read so they don't know the cage is supposed to keep them from getting to the seed). The thistle feeder out back has remained safe, and the suet feeder out front hasn't been gotten to.
Those are what I Will be going with for the next month or so - unless the bear decides those are next.
At least I didn't put out the expensive feeder yet!
wow imagine having a bear in the garden, usually people are worried about rats!
Posted by: Bod | December 09, 2005 at 10:30 AM
We don't have to worry about rats, just moose, deer, fishers and bear. We've never (to my knowledge) had coyotes around, but they are in our area.
Posted by: bogie | December 11, 2005 at 07:20 AM
In our (Kansas) yard, we don't have rats, moose, fishers, or bears. On the four-footed front, we make do with voles, woodchucks (groundhogs), armadillos, raccoons, o'possums, deer, coyotes, foxes, and cottontail rabbits. Oh, and, the snapping turtles that wander up from the creek.
Bogie hasn't, for a while, mentioned the wonderful variety of avian life that she and her Wonderful Spouse see in their yard. Our avian friends include wild turkey. Hunky Husband watched a flock of over 20 of them visit us just after our recent *woo-hoo* one-inch snow. The turkey pretty well trampled everything between our patio and the back woods.
Posted by: Cop Car | December 11, 2005 at 10:14 AM
I forgot about the huge snapper that WS and the neighbor had to corral up and take for a ride back to the pond on Audubon land.
We didn't mind so much that it was in our yard as we were worried about the dogs being stupid and getting curious about the turtle. Now that we have the fence, we don't have to worry about it and would let the turtle wander to it's hearts content.
Posted by: bogie | December 12, 2005 at 03:57 AM