Saturday, Jim and I convinced WS to go out and ride his new sled. Although it was fairly warm, the trails were good, but with the forecast warmish weather for the next couple of days, they wouldn't stay that way. WS had a blast, and loves that this sled has a suspension.
They were gone for 4 hours, so I got a whole bunch of house cleaning done. I also made curtains* for the den and got those hung up (try to keep up, I'll only expain this once, we had curtains in the den, but I used those to replace the crappy curtains in the bedroom, so I needed to make new curtains to replace the den curtains). I had originally bought a couple of cheap, scratchy blankets to make curtains out of, but then, while looking for yarn, I found some felt tapestries that WS had gotten me for Christmas (or my birthday) 20+ years ago.
One tapestry features a unicorn laying under a apple tree, encircled by a crown. It is in a meadow, between two converging rivers with mountains in the background. The other tapestry features a white pegasus in flight amongst the planets.
They used to hang on the panelled walls of our apartment on E. 8th Street. When we moved to NH, they spent most of their time packed away. A couple of years ago we finally cleaned out the attic, and I rediscovered the tapestries. Unfortunately, at that point, all walls large enough to hold the tapestries were taken up by plates, shelves of knick-knacks, book shelves or pictures. I just couldn't figure a way to work them into the scheme of things, so re-folded them and put them away in a drawer in the workout room.
Upon rediscovering them (again), I decided that there was no better place for them than in the den, where there are shelves upon shelves of fantasy/science fiction books that feature unicorns, pegasus, and other fantastic creatures.
When WS got home from sledding, I told him I had made curtains and that he had to go look. He was expecting to see blankets featuring wolves amongst trees (the design of the cheap blankets), instead, he was utterly blown away because he had forgotten about the tapestries too.
* I took pictures, which will be posted some time in the future.