A little while ago, I called Tory and Shadow in from the cool and the rain. Tory came running from underneath the deck - pounding up the stairs and dashing in the door. Shadow didn't show up, but he will later.
Tory came in and stopped near the fridge. Missy got curious and rushed at the cat, startling Tory, who immediately dropped the mouse he was carrying. Missy started to dive for the mouse, but my sharp "Leave it." stopped her.
The mouse froze while Missy was going for it, leading me to believe it was dead. In the meantime, Tory backed up out of Missy's way, so he wasn't too close to it. As soon as Missy obeyed me and "left it" (literally moving away from it), the mouse scurried under the fridge.
Somehow I have a cat who is now confused and thinks he is supposed to rescue mice from the cold and wet and bring them into the warm and dry house. Either that or he has decided he doesn't get enough exercise while we are sleeping at night and brought in his own exercise equipment.
Oh, and Tory lost interest and went back outside, so now Missy is holding vigil (but not very vigilantly as the mouse is now under the drawer stand between the slider and kitchen table).
Stupid cat!
Awww...cats just want to have fun. Hide and seek sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Posted by: Cop Car | November 15, 2005 at 07:19 PM
hilarious! I can't tell you how many times we've endured similar experiences. they're not so funny in one's own house, however. did you ever find the mouse?
Posted by: Jackie | November 17, 2005 at 06:46 PM
The mouse has not been found. This may or may not be a good thing: either a cat caught and ate it; a cat caught it and a dog ate it; it got out of the house somehow; or it is finding itself very, very comfortable in someplace unaccessible to the cats (like the closet in the bird room where it has protection and plentiful food nearby).
I've only had one similar experience - when New brought in a rabbit while it was still alive and squealing. She took it to the back room, dodging dogs all the way (we had 3 then), and somehow managed to eat the whole freaking thing.
Posted by: bogie | November 18, 2005 at 08:28 AM
It would have been a hoot to have watched the "happening" unfold with the rabbit, Bogie. Let's hope that the mouse did not find a home in the bird room.
Posted by: Cop Car | November 18, 2005 at 09:36 PM
The cats must have read this post (and comments) after I left to have my truck serviced yesterday. In the two hours I was gone, they managed to get the mouse.
Posted by: bogie | November 19, 2005 at 07:12 AM
Ta dummm...success!!
Posted by: Cop Car | November 19, 2005 at 08:18 AM