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October 04, 2005


Cop Car

Absolutely gorgeous! The plants that you and WS chose present such lush colors and varied shapes. You two should start a plant business. You've invested a lot of sweat equity in your yard; and it certainly has paid off. Marvelous! (I agree on the delpninium. The color is amazing.)


I so envy you that delphinium! I'd love to have delphiniums, stock, larkspur and all sorts of cottage garden flowers here.

I have three volunteer rudbekia in my sidewalk gardens that look just like yours. I really prefer those with the bands of dark red and black, but these look great with the chrysanthemums.

Cop Car

Rudbekia? Rudbekia? What's a rudbekia?


Rudbekia is the fancy name for the family that Black-Eyed Susan's are in.

PS - don't tell anyone I'm playing hookie, I'm still at work and they think I am accomplishing something!

Cop Car

Shhh...and I won't let Buffy know that she was writing above my head....

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