We had a bear visit the other morning. He ripped apart one of the suet feeders - the new one of course. It was shortly after I had left for work, but WS was still here and claims to have taken pictures. We'll see at some point in time. Guess the birds will have to fend for themselves until fall.
* * * * *
the creeping thyme, planted in the walkway below the fence, has commenced to blooming. It has great timing (no pun inteneded). The phlox that is planted below the walkway has quit blooming, so the thyme's blooms are a welcome splash of color there.
* * * * *
A question for Wichi Dude and Dudette: Did you ever find those pecans?
* * * * *
That's it for now.
Answer on the pecan question: no. Still haven't figured out where they got off to. Just as long as they aren't attracting bugs or anything nasty like that. I'd still like to find out what happened to them though. Beats worrying about finding them by smell later.
Posted by: Wichi Dude | June 24, 2005 at 05:37 PM
Never found the pecans. We know you STOLE them. Out of all the things to steal, pecans! That is a federal offense in Kansas, ya know.
Posted by: CK | June 24, 2005 at 08:38 PM
Ya know CK, we're having a real pecan shortage up here so some people will do anything (like fly down to Kansas and steal their relative's pecans) to get some!
Posted by: bogie | June 25, 2005 at 05:55 AM
I know you people are just messing with me! As I was talking to WD last night about just this issue, I realized that I had been working on boxing some items in CK's old room in the basement about that same time. I'm going to rummage around downstairs and see if I can come up with the darn pecans. Otherwise, I'm just sticking to my story that my loving family hid them from me just to see if they could drive me crazy!
Posted by: Dudette | June 25, 2005 at 02:01 PM
And it's woorking!
Posted by: bogie | June 26, 2005 at 06:35 AM