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May 06, 2005


Wichi Dude

Ummmm, I hope "I" am not the BIL you loaned those books to. If so, beats me where they are. And, as you know, that is NOT like me.
Hope you get them back soon.


YEA!!!! Another person who loves "The Stand!" I think it's the best book King has written, and I keep hoping he'll produce another just as good. I stopped reading his books at "Pet Sematary."


I could never get into S.King.


Wichi Dude - No, that would be the BIL that lives here in NH.

Buffy - I haven't read all his books, and don't plan on it. Pet Cemetery freaked me out too.


I got a new book...I got a new book....Hunky Husband just bought me (today!) the "New Oxford American Dictionary" for my birthday!! It just came out on 5/2/2005. It came with a CD from which I downloaded the dictionary to my iPAQ. Wunderbar! Since it rained on me while I was planting the 3 tomato plants that I picked up the other day, I had given up on outside work, anyway. 'Tis a good thing.


I'll bet no one else has a mother that looks forward to receiving a new dictionary for their Birthday!


*blushing* Sorry, Bogie. I got carried away there. You have such a burden to bear with the mother that you have. Maybe in your next life you'll get lucky!

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